Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Turn based RPG Challenge

I stop with the Javacipt course from Mozzilla's U, since I took some of Code Academy's classes, but now it's time to write a bit about Game Design.

I took up a Came Carrier Guide challenge about old style RPGs combat systems, without posting it, and since then I have been changing this Google Doc about it constantly, but I believe that it's time to start sharing some lines from it.

Today lets begin with the idea at hand, a Turn Based Combat System where the player's party is a Group with a Leader. Most TBRPGs have a party but aside from the Leader having a special place on the game's main plot, it is no different from any other of the party members in combat, for the player that is. There are many examples of this in my SNES background as a Gamer, from all the Final Fantasys with Terra or Cloud as Leaders and Chrono Trigger where all characters had some sort of special interactions between them and Chrono, the Leader.

The following posts will develop more about the idea at hand.

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